Painter: Jack Vettriano

Jack Vettriano is one of my all-time favourite painters; his more popular works of art include “The Singing Butler”, “The Billy Boys” and “”Bluebird at Bonneville”. Jack is a painter from Glasgow, his Singing Butler painting became the bestselling image in the UK, and recently his work has been on exhibit at the Heartbreak Gallery in London.

When Jack left school his first employment was as a Mining Engineer but as a present for his 21st birthday a girlfriend gave him a box of watercolour paints and from then on Jack’s skill has grown, spending all his spare time self-teaching himself his craft.

Personally I love Jacks work because they feature intimate scenes, the relationships between couples, and groups of people taking part in social activities. The sense of mood and expression is amazing, you can imagine walking along the beach with the characters or looking at the intimate images make me feel as though I’m verging on voyeurism because of how he cleverly orchestrated his scenes.

Here’s an interview talking sex, art and politics:


Visit Jack’s website to see more work.



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